Saturday, June 21, 2008

FACT TAG!! HeRe YoU gO bRiTt D.

The rules for the fact tag are:~ Each person has to list 6 facts about them~ List at the end of your posting who you have tagged.
1) I love my kids... I know thats a lame and obvious one to say, but its so true... they drive me crazy and test my limits, but when it comes down do it, I love to hold them, kiss them, smell them when they get out of a bath, cuddle them when their sick and watch them learn new things everyday!! I know that being a mommy was my calling in life above all other dreams that seem so silly in comparison now...
2) As I said it before, I LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream... but i have to disagree with Britt D. on those flavors of hers... not my favorite :)! When I want a flavor that makes me think of my childhood its orange/vanilla swirl ice cream...its summer and hugs and laughter all in one bite! Now that I am older I tend to love some of the same flavors that my daddy loves... Burnt Almond Fudge and Pralines and Cream...
3) I am seriously obsessed with Twilight and The Host and feel like I could never write a book of my own now with books like that to go up against!! It would pale in comparison! Stephenie Meyer is a genius and I am so glad that she is working her butt of to give us more Edward!!! Seriously how can I be in love with both him and my husband at the same time?!?! I feel like its a little unfair... TO EDWARD!!! HAHAHAHA!!
4) I have been to 11 countries and think it was the best experience for me... if I could live without shopping malls and Wendy's for a few years, I would seriously love to give my children a chance to live outside of the US and see what the world is like... I have some of the best memories in places like Venice, London and Trier... just to name a few!! You meet some amazing people, taste incredible food and have a sense of different cultures and history that make the world still seem a little brighter!!
5) I have a fear of water like you Britt D. but in a different sense... I am afraid of driving over water... I don't know what it is, but cliffs and bridges make me soooo nervous and I have felt that way since I was little... I think I had a bad dream once that that was how I died, so ever since then I get my stomach all in knots even just thinking about it!! Cause seriously, what do you do when your car goes over the bridge and you are stuck in your car, the water rushing in, your kids screaming in the back seat... AHHHHHH!!! Scariest thing ever!!!!
6) On a brighter note, my nick name for me when I was younger was "speedle britt" because I couldn't say special and everything was special to me!! I would tell my mom she couldn't throw a picture I drew away because it was speedle to me... and we couldn't get rid of a pet because it was speedle to me... and since I was special to my mom, she called me that!!
7) I know it says to only do 6 but one of the things about me is my love for the number 7... It really is my lucky number... Everytime I see the #7 on something, whether its a sign, a jersey, a calendar, or whatever it makes me smile... So I just decided to end my fact list on the best number of all!!
So now here comes the fun part...I pass this tag on to Megan Morrill, Brittany Dixon (cuz I want to hear more) and Jennifer Bishop!!


The Dixon Family! said...

I posted.. so now it's your turn. :) You can get your faith back in blogging... cuz Brittany's BACK! haha I'm sorry I ruined it for you... but I know you can jump back on. Just do it. ;)