Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our anniversary!!!

This anniversary we were actually able to go somewhere fun!! As of June 12th we have been married for 4 years!!! It's so crazy to think how fast its gone by!! Wednesday (the 11th) we dropped off the kids with Bryan's mom (thanks soooo much again!) and headed down to Salt Lake!! We got down there in good time and checked into our hotel... Salt Lake PLAZA Hotel... and then walked to The Gateway to meet up with Chelsey and Josh. We walked around a little and got me a new bra (yipey) at Victoria Secret which was fun for me!! Then we drove a little more to get to IKEA!!!!! I was so excited to get to that store... it was my first time in there and I was in awe to say the least!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IKEA!!! So walked around for about an hour and a half (which is no where near enough time by the way) and then left to go to the Secondhand Serenade concert!! Luckily the weather was perfect because it was outside!! We spent the whole time relaxing on the grass, taking candid pictures together, and listening to some AWESOME music!!!! It was a great time!! After that it was back to the hotel...well anyways, the next day we woke up, got ready and went to walk around a little more down in Salt Lake and then headed towards Layton to go to Target (we don't have one in Logan so its a big deal to stop there before we go home)... we walked around for a while, then went to leave... and couldn't... our car was DEAD!!! Our friend Bobby who lives down in Ogden happen to have his day off and came and jumped our car, then we got stuck in traffic trying to keep it running, went to a Checker store and spent the next two hours trying to get things working again!! So yeah, it sucked during that part, but it wasn't a total loss!! We got to hang out with Bobby which is always fun and we went to his hot tub/swimming pool at his apartment!! Then we drove home and had one more night without the kids (thanks to my mom this time!)... So babe!! Thanks so much for spoiling me so much this week with our anniversary!! I love you more then words could ever say and I hope we have a billion more great days like these ahead of us!!!


The Dixon Family! said...

Love it! Happy anniversary! I'm glad it was fun mixed with a little drama. You need something to keep you on your toes. haha Love the peek-a-boo picture. You totally took that one for me. Don't try to deny it. It makes my heart pitter patter. haha

Megan Maughan said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! My anniversary is in about a month and I'm super excited! We've only been married a year but it's been way fun! Hopefully we will be able to do something fun for our anniversary...but since my hubby is working 7 days a week until August I'm not so sure how that will happen! I'm glad you had a good anniversary! Oh and if you don't mind me old are you? LOL you look pretty young in those pics and I saw your hubby just turned hubby just turned 22 in March! How crazy is that!?!