Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our little artist!!!

This past weekend, me and the kids went to Logan's annual Summer Art Fest a couple times. It was fun to walk around and see all the photographs, paintings, sculptures, etc. but probably the best part was watching my little artist in action! Brayden has shown a real interest in art for about the last year and a half, so Bryan gave us the couple dollars he had in cash to take Brayden to the kids art fest on Saturday!! In the tent you can paint, color, make necklaces, play with bubbles, and all sorts of fun stuff like that!! Brayden was totally in his element!!! I know that he loves to draw and color and does exceptionally well for a 3 1/2 year old, but this was the first time he had painted like this...and he painted like he had been doing it forever... and of course it was a painting of Spiderman, his favorite superhero!! I was so surprised, because all the kids his age were just throwing colors on the paper, and the kids actually painting something were all 5 and over!! We are so proud of how smart and talented he is at such a young age...who knows, maybe he will be famous artist someday! Riley just loved going for a ride in the stroller and playing with mommy's cellphone!! She's such a girly girl and I love it!! She was a pretty little model for me when I got some picture of her while we watched brother paint!! It was a fun day out!!
The first day...


The Dixon Family! said...

I love his spiderman :) Such the little artist. And I love Riley's outfit! It should totally belong to Kynzee. ;) Sounds like fun! Too bad I wasn't there to ride in the stroller basket like Brayden. Oh well... next year. :)

.:*The Brown Family*:. said...

It looks like you guys had alot of fun there. I tried having jaxon paint, and lets just say this. I think more got on him them the picture.