Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Okay so only if you have heard me tell the HORROR stories of Brayden getting a hair cut can you fully understand just how big of a deal his last one was! It was a totally 180 because he was so GOOD!! Normally it takes three of us to cut his hair... one to hold him down, one to hold his head and one to cut the hair... he screams bloody murder the ENTIRE time and we are ALL covered in hair, sweat, drool and tears by the end of it! One morning I woke up and looked at my son who was beginning to look like a kid off the streets and said "hey bubba let's go get you a hair cut today K" and to my surprise he turned around and said "okay"!!!!! Well luckily I was able to stop myself from falling off the bed right then and there, and quickly took advantage of this opportunity!!!! Normally even just mentioning a haircut around that kid was like a bad word and don't know what suddening changed, but I wasn't able to question it!! So I told him if he did indeed get a big boy hair cut with no whining or screaming he could have a treat... and the conversation was as follows
Brayden: "I can get a treat?"
Me: "Yeah if you are good the whole time!"
Brayden: "Like a chocolate treat? A big chocolate treat... Like the kind with the trash?" (which translates to one with a rapper!!)
Me: "You can have whatever you want!"
So still a little nervous to see if this was too good to be true, I went ahead and made the appointment and took him in!! And he kept his word!!!! HE was very still for the the "tickler" and the scissors at "the scissors store" (Silver Clips' sign has scissors on the outside so it means a store to him!) and spent most of the time naming off the sea creatures on his cape! So here's my post devoted to my brave and well trimmed, finally looking like a boy BRAYDEN!!!


The Dixon Family! said...

What a good boy! Loving the new short hair-do. I think it screams totally hot. lol

Megan Maughan said...

Landon was the same exact way that is so funny! We too had to have at least me and my hubby there to cut his hair so we could literally hold him down! And then one day I took him by myself and thought "great here we go" but he was so good the whole time, he just sat there! And he was so excited to get his treat! He only got a little dum-dum sucker but still he was super stoked! Anyway just had to share my story ha ha ha! Good Job Brayden!