Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have a confession!!!

According to a very important yet not so tactful source (you know who you are) I have been untruthful of just how much I "LOVE" ice cream. So let it be known that this is my official "coming out" party, of which I am the host, guest of honor and the only attendant!!! But before I completely shed all of the walls I have spent so many years building up to protect myself from the "utter" (no pun intended) truth, I feel I should share a bit of family history on the matter!! You see I am of the opinion that the love of ice cream is part genetic!! Here you see my grandfather enjoying a single scoop with the most delightful expression!

And who could blame him! Its creamy and sweet and oh so delicious!! Anyone in their right mind would agree that there isn't a problem in the world that ice cream can't fix! I actually believe that if they asked Ben & Jerry to join the UN, all our nations problems could be solved over a pint of Chunky Monkey!! But that's just a theory...

The truth is that ice cream is practically my whole world...I think about, dream about and completely lust after it, in a matter of speaking...whether its dipped or doused in chocolate, covered in candy, whipped into a blizzard... whatever way you like it... Ice cream is sliced bread in the frozen section!!! So I not only love ice cream, I worships every cold and creamy bite!! Its the food of the Gods and I can't imagine my life without it!!

So there you have it Britt D.... can we be friends again now that you know how deep my devotion goes... have I proved myself to be a truthful ice cream freak!!! I hope so cause now you owe me a GOTTA HAVE IT at COLD STONE!!!! Now if you don't mind I am going to go have a scoop to make myself feel better...

P.S. Saddest day of my life


The Dixon Family! said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH Oh my freaking heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL FUNNIEST POST EVER! LOL You crack me up. This is why we are friends. Forget about all the other stuff. This is the only thing I care about! Thanks for coming clean. Don't you feel better now? Admit it, getting it off your chest makes you feel like a real woman now. hahaahhahaha You are good... very, very good! SLICED BREAD IN THE FROZEN SECTION?????? LOL BEST QUOTE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bishopjjmj said...

Oh how you make me laugh! I am not an ice cream lover like yourself, but reading your post makes me want to eat some now.

Megan Maughan said...

Oh my! Do you have any idea how funny this is? I mean really...I just about pee'd my pants! No Kidding! I'm so glad that you could come out with this confession...the first step is admitting there's a problem...or an addiction/obsession in your case! I'm gonna go eat some ice cream now!

The Dixon Family! said...

LOL... this still makes me laugh. A whole week later... oh my. LOL