Thursday, May 8, 2008

Brayden's last soccer game!!

Tonight was Brayden's last soccer game and it was so much fun!! Luckily it was on a Thursday so Bryan had the day off so we made it a family event!! We were a couple minutes late, because it was our turn to bring drinks and of course we waited until last minute to get them... But we got there in time to have a few minutes to practice and then it was game time! Brayden for the most part just mossies around and runs with the other kids, not really caring much for the ball... he's just so happy to be there!! But half way through the game he made his FIRST GOAL!!! He was so excited he came running over to where I was to tell me!! I was glad I got pictures of it (my camera was glued to my hand pretty much the whole game) and he kept asking to see them! He finished out the game having a grand ol' time and then all of the kids got a MEDAL at the end, which he showed off proudly to everyone!! I think this was a fun experience for him !!


The Dixon Family! said...

So cute! His hair is adorable in those pics! :) Love it! And btw... who is that incredibly sexy lady in that pic with him? Whew! LOVE YOUR HAIR! Do it like that forever!!!!!!!!!!!! And where did you go for that?

Bishopjjmj said...

Aww love the pics!! They had so much fun!