Saturday, May 3, 2008

My new best friend!!

Don't get scared Brittany D. it's not a person I am talking's a machine!! I went to this headache seminar a week ago and was informed about Atlas Orthogonal adjustments!! It is seriously a miracle worker!! I am going to go back for sure!! The machine looks scary, but it is completely painless...and I felt a difference immediately! It was a weird feeling to have the support all of a sudden! Basically your Atlas is the bone that your spinal cord and skull sit on with two major arteries running through it, and if that is off then so is your spine, pelvis, etc. The arteries can be pinched and restrict blood and oxygen flow to the brain and in turn to other organs! Also my left leg was 1/4 in. longer before the adjustment and then the same as my right leg after the adjustment! My road to recovery is going to be a long one though, because I have been suffering with chronic migraines since I was a little girl and have been in a few car accidents as well. Dr. Grover (the chiropractor I saw yesterday) said that if your atlas is off even a 1/2 - 1 degree you could start to feel the effects of it... basically it came down to that the x-rays show that mine is off by 6 degrees!! He was surprised to see such an advanced case in someone so young, but with me still being only 22 there is still a chance to try and correct the issue!! I was also informed that it will probably get worse before it gets better, but for once in my life there is a light at the end of what was a very dark and long tunnel!! If you want more information about it you can see a YouTube video of Montel Williams receiving the exact adjustment I did yesterday...just search for it under Upper Cervical-Montel Williams!! Also you can read more about it at Dr. Grover's website at!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks hon! I like your blog! So cute! :)

The Dixon Family! said...

Yay for feeling better! I hope it works! :) Love you friend!

Tiffanie said...

I just found your blog, and I have to say.. cute family! And, yes that thing looks scary!