According to a very important yet not so tactful source (you know who you are) I have been untruthful of just how much I "LOVE" ice cream. So let it be known that this is my official "coming out" party, of which I am the host, guest of honor and the only attendant!!! But before I completely shed all of the walls I have spent so many years building up to protect myself from the "utter" (no pun intended) truth, I feel I should share a bit of family history on the matter!! You see I am of the opinion that the love of ice cream is part genetic!! Here you see my grandfather enjoying a single scoop with the most delightful expression!
And who could blame him! Its creamy and sweet and oh so delicious!! Anyone in their right mind would agree that there isn't a problem in the world that ice cream can't fix! I actually believe that if they asked Ben & Jerry to join the UN, all our nations problems could be solved over a pint of Chunky Monkey!! But that's just a theory...
The truth is that ice cream is practically my whole world...I think about, dream about and completely lust after it, in a matter of speaking...whether its dipped or doused in chocolate, covered in candy, whipped into a blizzard... whatever way you like it... Ice cream is sliced bread in the frozen section!!! So I not only love ice cream, I worships every cold and creamy bite!! Its the food of the Gods and I can't imagine my life without it!!
So there you have it Britt D.... can we be friends again now that you know how deep my devotion goes... have I proved myself to be a truthful ice cream freak!!! I hope so cause now you owe me a GOTTA HAVE IT at COLD STONE!!!! Now if you don't mind I am going to go have a scoop to make myself feel better...
P.S. Saddest day of my life
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I have a confession!!!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 10:20 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Our dining room/ living room!!
The other day we were in Wal-Mart and found the KILZ "opps" paint (where people return an extra gallon they didn't use) that is 50% off!! We found three gallons of colors that we loved and one of them ended up on our dining room/living room!!! And it only needed ONE COAT!! I love it!! It is finally looking like OUR place!! We still have so much to do, but at least we have a starting point!! Just wanted to share!!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
BrOkEn BaLcOnIeS aNd SpRiNgTiMe SmiLeS!
Lately we haven't let the kids out on the balcony here at our condo because its a little broken right now...but it was such a nice day I let them go out there for a few minutes, being "very careful" as Brayden said!! I of course had to get out the camera, because they were being so gosh darn cute out there! Its amazing what a little fresh air will do to those kids!! Brayden loves getting his picture lately and will pose all the time for me, while Riley could care less about the camera... but it makes for some funny candid shots of her!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Happy Mother's Day '08
Here are a few pictures of me and the kids on Mother's Day!! They were being such cuties... it just was the perfect way to celebrate me being a mommy!! I love Brayden and Riley with all my heart and I fall even more in love with them each day! I couldn't imagine having two more beautiful and intelligent children!! I am truly blessed!! I love being a mommy!!!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Brayden's last soccer game!!
Tonight was Brayden's last soccer game and it was so much fun!! Luckily it was on a Thursday so Bryan had the day off so we made it a family event!! We were a couple minutes late, because it was our turn to bring drinks and of course we waited until last minute to get them... But we got there in time to have a few minutes to practice and then it was game time! Brayden for the most part just mossies around and runs with the other kids, not really caring much for the ball... he's just so happy to be there!! But half way through the game he made his FIRST GOAL!!! He was so excited he came running over to where I was to tell me!! I was glad I got pictures of it (my camera was glued to my hand pretty much the whole game) and he kept asking to see them! He finished out the game having a grand ol' time and then all of the kids got a MEDAL at the end, which he showed off proudly to everyone!! I think this was a
fun experience for him !!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The girl I use to be!
Lately I have been feeling like I am not doing anything that I had dreamed of doing when I was younger...I wanted to travel the world, write an amazing book (like TWILIGHT!!) and be an amazing photographer!! I wanted to go to college and be as carefree as possible!! Of course my life now is far from the life I had imagined those cloud-gazing days!! But still when I really think about it, or read poems like the one below (that my friend Krystal posted on Myspace), I realize my life is worth so much more then I could have ever dreamed!! So this is for the mommies!!
She came tonig
The girl I used to be.
and quest
Have you forgo
And hopes
The great
All the wonde
with all its garde
The silke
and the jewls
And as she spoke
or I wante
The girl I used to be.
So gentl
and guide
And I told her that these
And preci
That silke
Of costl
And my mansi
And the only caree
Is servi
For the dear ones who come and go
And as I spoke
She smile
And I saw the women
Posted by Cascio Photography at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My new best friend!!
Don't get scared Brittany D. it's not a person I am talking's a machine!! I went to this headache seminar a week ago and was informed about Atlas Orthogonal adjustments!! It is seriously a miracle worker!! I am going to go back for sure!! The machine looks scary, but it is completely painless...and I felt a difference immediately! It was a weird feeling to have the support all of a sudden! Basically your Atlas is the bone that your spinal cord and skull sit on with two major arteries running through it, and if that is off then so is your spine, pelvis, etc. The arteries can be pinched and restrict blood and oxygen flow to the brain and in turn to other organs! Also my left leg was 1/4 in. longer before the adjustment and then the same as my right leg after the adjustment! My road to recovery is going to be a long one though, because I have been suffering with chronic migraines since I was a little girl and have been in a few car accidents as well. Dr. Grover (the chiropractor I saw yesterday) said that if your atlas is off even a 1/2 - 1 degree you could start to feel the effects of it... basically it came down to that the x-rays show that mine is off by 6 degrees!! He was surprised to see such an advanced case in someone so young, but with me still being only 22 there is still a chance to try and correct the issue!! I was also informed that it will probably get worse before it gets better, but for once in my life there is a light at the end of what was a very dark and long tunnel!! If you want more information about it you can see a YouTube video of Montel Williams receiving the exact adjustment I did yesterday...just search for it under Upper Cervical-Montel Williams!! Also you can read more about it at Dr. Grover's website at!!
Posted by Cascio Photography at 10:22 AM 3 comments
I'm the luckiest girl EVER!!
The other night we made a big decision to update my camera equipment!! So my wonderful husband got me the NIKON D80 with a 18-135mm lens and a 70-300mm telephoto lens!!! The camera is so great!! Even just some snap shots at home turned out so well and I am totally pleased with our purchase!! Now I just need a ton of photo shoots to pay it off!! :)
Posted by Cascio Photography at 10:06 AM 0 comments